Problem of the connexion to
the router.
• No DHCP server enabled. Please check the setting of your router.
• Wrong WiFi encryption key is entered. Please double confirm the key
and re-enter via the remote controller.
• Trouble in the RJ45 port or WiFi module.
Not able to get IP Address. • DNS no response. Please ping the IP address of the DNS to check if
it is the case.
• DNS doesn't have the record of the vTuner server or radio station that
you are trying to connect.
The connection between the
radio and the vTuner is not
• Traffic jam for the internet access. Please try later.
• vTuner server is out of service or heavy loaded to reply in time.
• The authorization process is failed. VTuner server reject the access
• The streaming service of the radio station is unavailable or heavy
• The IP Radio doesn't support the service type of the radio station.
• There is some buffering trouble on the internet. The available
bandwidth is not good enough to have the stable streams from the
radio station.
The IP Radio is booted
normally but it doesn't get an
IP address.
• No DHCP server enabled. Please check the setting of your router.
• Wrong WiFi encryption key is entered. Please double confirm the key
and re-enter via the remote controller.
• The network interface has trouble.