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Starting Your Camera
Press the mode button to start the camera. The camera will sound a beep to confirm that your
camera is on and ready for use. The LCD display will show the number of photos you can take
before needing to download them to your PC.
Taking Photos
Compose your shot using the view finder. NOTE: To achieve maximum clarity, the optimal distance between
the camera and the subject is 5 feet.
1. Hold the camera steady and press the shutter button to take photos. The camera will beep
when a photo is taken. The number of photos that you can still take at this resolution is
displayed on the LCD screen.
2. When the camera is full, the LCD display will show “0”. Press the Shutter button and the
buzzer will beep twice. You cannot take any photos at this time. Please download your photos
to your PC.
3. The LCD display will indicate how many photos you may take at the current resolution and
compression. In "Lo" resolution and "Hd" compression you can take over 100 images yet the
LCD counter will only display up to 99. It will continue reporting 99 until there are less than 99
images left.