
Photo Resolution and Quality
The Image size
and quality settings determine the number the number of photos and the amount
of memory required for each photo. The higher the image size and the resolution, the more memory each photo
will use. The image size and quality will also affect the maximum size you can print your photo effectively.
Your camera has 16 Megabytes of internal memory, stored in the built-in memory card. The following table tells
you how many photos can be taken based on the Image Size and Quality Settings:
Image Size Standard Quality High Quality
640 x 480 (VGA) 156 photos 109 photos
1600 x 1200 (UXGA) 22 photos 15 photos
2048 x 1536 (QXGA 14 photos 10 photos
NOTE: To increase the number of photos your camera can take and store, use an external “SD” compatible
memory Card (not included). SD cards come in a variety of capacities from 16 MB up to 2 GB. Please refer to
the INSTALLING AN OPTIONAL MEMORY CARD section of this manual for more information.