WE Configuration
Room sensor RF1, 2, 3 OFF Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb00 = ON
Room temperature dependent control OFF Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb06 = ON
Parameter optimization OFF Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb16
Flow sensor OFF when room temperature
dependent control is used
OFF Co1, 2, 3 -> Fb17
5.13 Pump management
To control the circulation pumps for the heating circuits (UP1 and UP2), reed relay outputs can
be used instead of the relay output. Depending on the operating state, the circulation pumps run
during the times-of-use regulated depending on the differential pressure. The differential pres
sure is regulated by the pumps. Outside the times-of-use the circulation pumps are switched
back to the minimum speed. The binary outputs BA1 to BA4 have the following function:
BA1, BA3: Circulation pump on and off
BA2, BA4: Reduce pump speed
If the circulation pump is to be switched on, the contact of BA1 or BA3 is closed. The binary out-
puts BA2 and BA4 can be configured over the function blocks Co1, 2 -> Fb13.
Co1, 2 -> Fb13 = ON: BA2, BA4 = OFF outside the time-of-use
Co1, 2 -> Fb13 = OFF: BA2, BA4 = ON outside the time-of-use
WE Configuration
Pump management OFF Co1, 2 -> Fb13
Refer to the pump manufacturer instructions for the exact terminal assignments of pumps since
the terminal assignments vary depending on the pump.
In systems Anl 3, 5, 8 and 10, the pumps of an uncontrolled heating circuit can be switched on
and off over an external binary signal. For this purpose, deactivate the Potentiometer input
function (Co1 to Co3 -> Fb12 = OFF) and select the function block parameter FrG-E.
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