have been activated.
Refer to page 78 onwards for the wiring diagrams of the room panels.
WE Configuration
Room sensor RF OFF FB13 = ON
Potentiometer input 1 to 2 kΩ OFF FB24 = OFF
5.7 Optimization
This function requires the use of a room sensor. Depending on the building characteristics, the
controller determines and adapts the required preheating time (maximum 6 hours) to ensure
that the desired
Room set point
(rated room temperature) has been reached in the reference
room when the time-of-use starts. During the preheating period, the controller heats with the
max. flow temperature. This temperature is built up in steps of 10 °C. As soon as the
Room set
has been reached, weather-compensated control is activated.
Depending on the room sensor, the controller switches off the heating system up to two hours
before the time-of-use ends. The controller chooses the deactivation time such that the room
temperature does notdrop significantly below the desiredvalue until the time-of-use ends.It two
times-of-use are programmed for one day, the controller monitors the
Reduced room set point
in the time between these times-of-use. Outsidethe times-of-use, the controller monitors the
tained temperature.
Should the temperature fall belowthe
Sustained temperature,
the controller
heats with the max. flow temperature until the measured room temperature exceeds the ad-
justed value by 1 °C.
During the preheating period, DHW heating does not take place in systems with DHW circuits
linked in the secondary side.
Direct sunshine can cause the room temperatureto increase and thus result in the premature de
activation of the heating system.
WE Configuration
Optimization OFF FB0 = ON
WE Range of values
Room set point 20 °C 0 to 40 °C
Reduced room set point 17 °C 0 to 40 °C
Sustained temperature 15 °C 0 to 40 °C
46 EB 5476 EN
Functions of the heating circuit