
Operating the Acoustic Attack
Using the MID control to Reduce Feedback
A good use of the MID control is to help reduce feedback.
To do this, turn the MID control all the way down, (fully
counter clock wise), raise the OUTPUT control or the
volume on your amp right to right at the feedback level,
then use the FREQ control and slowly sweep through the
frequencies until the feedback goes way.
Using the MIX control
The Acoustic Attack incorporates a sweet sounding Tube Pre
Emulation circuit designed to add the richness and overtones
of a classic studio tube mic preamplifier. The MIX control is
used to set the balance between your original clean signal
with the Active Equalizer applied, and the signal that is
effected by the Tube Pre Emulation circuit. If you set the MIX
control all the way to the left or counter clockwise the signal
will be 100 percent clean , or the same as the original output signal from your guitar with any EQ
you have set. If you turn the MIX control all the way right, or fully clockwise, 100 percent of the
signal will be effected by the Tube Pre Emulation. That is, no original clean signal, just the signal
with any added Equalization and Tube Pre Emulation. Use the MIX control to add in just the right
amount of warmth to your original sound.
The key to getting the sound that's perfect for your musical style is experimenting with all the
controls since they are somewhat interactive. Start by making small changes and when you find
a sound you like, write it down.