Using the D2500 in MANUAL Mode
The D2500 can be used as a stand-alone basic digital
signal processor using any stored or recalled memory
parameters when set to MANUAL mode. If you want to
use all the power processing of the D2500, but you don’t
want to recall or save any presets, you can operate the unit
in Manual mode. When you press the Manual switch, the
D2500 equalizer and effects section are all available, how-
ever they will be in the state that they were last left in.
While Manual is selected, the EQ faders automatically
become reset to their physical positions so the equalizer
works the same as a standard analog graphic equalizer.
You can also engage any of the onboard effects proces-
sors. For more information on the built-in digital effects
see the section "Using the D2500 onboard effects" later in
this manual. Keep in mind that the Left and Right channels
automatically become linked in MANUAL mode.
Using the Left, Right and Link Control Switches
Since the D2500 is a two-channel unit, you can use it as
a stereo, or dual mono equalizer if you are running two
monitor mixes. Depending on the operating mode you set
up in the Global menu, you may want to have the left and
right channels operate together, or individually. The LEFT,
RIGHT and LINK switches will help you operate the D2500
easily and give you the control you need to quickly make
changes and control either one or both sides. The state of
these switches will determine which of the left and right
signals are affected by the hardware control surface.
If you want to set the D2500 so that the phyiscal hardware
controls and all the parameter controls adjust both the
Left and Right side, press the LINK switch so that the green
LED is lit. Now, when you operate any of the controls, ei-
ther the EQ faders or the digital effects, you will be making
the same change on the left and right sides.
If you want to use the D2500 as a dual mono equalizer and
control the Left and Right sides individually, keep the LINK
switch OFF so that the green LED is not lit.
Controlling the Right Channel signal
If you want to control the EQ faders and the effects for
the right channel individually make sure the LINK switch
is OFF. Now, press the RIGHT switch to assign the hard-
ware control surface to the signal connected to the right
channel. With the RIGHT switch selected on and the LINK
switch off, the D2500 controls will edit just the right chan-
nel filters and right channel parameters, when accessing
Controlling the Left Channel signal
If you want to control the EQ faders and the effects for
the right channel individually, make sure the LINK switch
is OFF. Now, press the LEFT switch to assign the hardware
control surface to the signal connected to the left chan-
nel. With the LEFT switch selected on and the LINK switch
off, the D2500 controls will edit just the left channel filters
and left channel parameters when accessing the various