5.2 Potentiometers
Actuators with a digital positioner cannot be
equipped with potentiometers.
To install the potentiometers, an actuator
board with the appropriate potentiometers
and gears (12 and 13) is required.
If the actuator is not already equipped with
limit switches, the basic unit (order no.
1400-8829) is also required. The unit in
cludes the spindle gear (2) and the interme
diate gear (5).
1. Remove the fastening screws. Push the
actuator board (1) from its guiding to
the right. Take out the board and re-
place it with a board with potentiom-
2. Clip the spindle gear (2) onto the sleeve
(3) as illustrated in Fig. 7, top. Make
sure the lateral latch is properly en
gaged in the groove of the sleeve.
3. Plug intermediate gear (5) onto the spin
dle (4). Place the serrated ring (10) on
top and push it down until it will not go
any further.
4. The potentiometer gears (12 and 13)
with retaining rings must be put onto
their shafts corresponding with the rated
travel of the control valve. The rated
travel inscription “Nennhub 15” (on the
upper side with the retaining ring) or
“Nennhub 30” (lower side) must be legi
ble from above (also see Figs. 4 and 5).
5. Push the actuator board back into its
guiding. Make sure that the gears are
properly engaged. Fasten the board us-
ing screws.
Adjust the potentiometer as described in
section 4.2.2.
20 EB 8331-1 EN
Retrofitting additional electrical equipment
Fig. 8 · Version with potentiometer
10 5 2 13 12 1
1 Actuator board
2 Contact cam
5 Intermediate gear
10 Serrated ring
12 Gear potentiometer 1
13 Gear potentiometer 2