Guided Tour - KM200 Rear Panel
11. Channel 4 Aux Right Input - RCA input for connecting the left side of an
external line level signal like those from a CD, MP3 player or sound card.
12. In To Phones Only – This input is used to connect line level signals that
are sent directly to the internal headphone amplifier, but not to the main
amplifier. For example, a click track or the monitor mix from the main PA
13. In To Phones Level – This control knob is used to adjust the level of the
signal connected to the IN TO PHONES ONLY input.
14. Line Out Right XLR - This connector carries the Balanced signal from
the KM200's mixer RIGHT output and can be used to connect to the main PA
15. Line Out Left XLR - This connector carries the Balanced signal from the
KM200's mixer LEFT output and can be used to connect to the main PA mixer
16. CHANNEL 1 MIC Insert - Send and return patch point on TRS (TIP/RING/
SLEEVE) jack for interfacing external effects processors on the microphone
17. External Mixer input - This 1/4-inch TRS jack is used to connect a stereo
line level signal from a sub mixer.
18. Right Bus Send - The right side of the KM200's stereo mixer is sent out
this 1/4-inch jack and is used to link a second KM200 when using two for ste
reo operation.
19. Right Bus Return - This 1/4-inch input is used to connect the signal from
the RIGHT SIDE SEND of a second KM200 when operating two in stereo.
20. Headphones - Connect stereo headphones here.
21. Line Out Right 1/4-inch Phone Jack - This connector carries the
Balanced signal from the KM200's mixer RIGHT output and can be used to
connect to the main PA mixer
22. Stereo/Mono switch - This switch is used to configure the KM200's mixer
for stereo or mono operation.
23. Line Out Left 1/4-inch Phone Jack - This connector carries the Balanced
signal from the KM200's mixer LEFT output and can be used to connect to
the main PA mixer.