Controls and Functions
The following section details each part of the MDR1248
and MDR1688’s MONO INPUT CHANNELS including the
GAIN control, LOW CUT switch, 3-BAND EQ, AUX sends,
PEAK LED, PAN, SOLO, ALT 3/4 bus and LEVEL controls.
The input channels one through four on the MDR1248
and on through eight on the MDR1688 feature high
quality, discrete transistor pre-amps providing transpar-
ency and extended dynamic range.
1 - GAIN - control knob
The MDR1248 and MDR1688’s pre-amp stage has a vari-
able GAIN control with a range of 0 to 40dB on the MIC
input and –15 to +25dB on the LINE input.
2 - LOW CUT FILTER - switch
Each of the MDR1248 and MDR1688’s mono input chan-
nels include a LOW CUT (or high pass) filter which rolls off
the low frequencies from 75Hz and below at the rate of
18dB per octave. The LOW CUT filter allows you to remove
the lower frequencies that you sometime just don’t want
to pick up. For example, when you are miking a high-hat
you only want to capture the frequencies that the hi-hat is
producing. Therefore, by using the LOW CUT filter, you can
reduce the amount of pick-up from the low toms and bass
drum that may leak into the hi-hat mic. You can use the
same technique on other instruments like acoustic guitar,
violin, piano and even on vocals. In live sound applica-
tions, the LOW CUT filter is especially useful for removing
stage rumble.
3 - Channel Equalizer
The MDR1248 and MDR1688 mic/line input channels
incorporate a 3-band equalizer, with sweepable Mid-
range, allowing you to adjust the high, mid-range, and
low frequencies independently on each channel. The fre-
quency centers, range of boost or cut, and equalizer type
for each band are described in the following section.
HF (HIGH FREQUENCY) 12kHz +/- 15dB Shelving type
The channel’s HIGH frequency response is flat when the
knob is in the “12:00” position. Rotating the knob towards
the right will boost the channel's high frequency response
at 12 kHz by 15dB, and rotating it towards the left will cut
the high frequency by 15dB.
The MID CUT & BOOST knob is used in conjunction with
the MID FREQUENCY knob to create the tonal shape in
the mid-range frequency when using the mono channel’s
equalizers. You can adjust the frequency on the mid-range
control with the FREQ knob, and use the MF CUT & BOOST
to either boost or cut that frequency by plus or minus
15dB. The channel’s MID frequency response is flat when
the MF knob is in the “12:00” position.
FREQ (MID FREQUENCY) Variable 100Hz – 5K
The MID FREQUENCY is a control enabling you enhanced
capabilities in the tonal shaping of the input channel
signal. Thanks to the MID FREQUENCY control, you have
a variable mid-range equalizer, allowing you to pin point
the exact frequency you want to boost or cut. The MID
SWEEP has a “fixed Q” of two octaves (the amount, or
width, of frequencies around the center point that are
effected by the MID CUT & BOOST control) and can be set
in a range from 100Hz to 5Khz.
LF (LOW FREQUENCY) 80Hz +/- 15dB shelving type
The channel’s LOW frequency response is flat when the
knob is in the “12:00” position. Rotating the knob towards
the right will boost the channel's low frequency response
at 80 Hertz by 15dB, and rotating it towards the left will
cut the frequency by 15dB.