
Using Aux Sends and Returns
The purpose of Auxiliary sends are to allow you
to combine the signal from multiple channels
and send the resulting mix to external devices
such as effects processors. The MIXPAD 12
and MIXPAD 9 provide two such sends, while
the MIXPAD 4 provides one.
When a channel’s Aux send knob is at its
“0” position, the signal is routed with unity gain
(that is, no boost or attenuation). As it is turned
clockwise from the 0 position, the signal is
boosted; as it is turned counterclockwise from
the 0 position, it is attenuated. In the MIXPAD 12 and MIXPAD 9, Aux
send 1 is post-eq but
; that is, the level of the signal sent
through this knob is determined by the EQ settings and (in mono
channels) the position of the Trim control. It is, however, unaffected by
the channel Level setting; for this reason, it is optimum for applications
like headphone cueing or sending a feed to onstage monitors—both
situations where you want the performer’s mix to be independent of the
main mix. You can also use Aux 1 to route signal to a reverb processor
in order to create a distancing kind of effect where the “wet” reverb
signal remains constant even as the “dry” source signal fades away.
In contrast, Aux send 2 is post-eq and
; that is, the level of the
signal is determined by EQ settings and the channel Level setting, as
well as (in mono channels) the position of the Trim control. This is the
condition of the single Aux send provided by the MIXPAD 4. Here, rais-
ing or lowering the Level of the channel will affect the send level as well.
The MIXPAD 12 and MIXPAD 9 also provide
two stereo Aux returns (the MIXPAD 4
provides one stereo Aux return). These allow
you to return signal from outboard devices,
either in stereo pairs or monophonically (many
popular effects processors provide a single
mono input but have two stereo outputs).
You can think of the MIXPAD’s stereo Auxiliary
returns as being somewhat similar to a stereo
channel, except that a signal being brought into
to a stereo channel can be equalized if
necessary and optionally sent on to other
AUX RET. 3/4
MIXPAD 12/9 Aux sends
MIXPAD 12/9 Aux returns