Top Panel Controls
29. PHANTOM Power Switch and Indicator - The mixer features an on-board,
48-Volt Phantom power supply to operate condenser microphones. When
the switch is engaged, the LED will illuminate indicating that phantom
power is now available at the microphone preamps.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To avoid a loud pop, be sure to turn down the master
level controls before plugging and unplugging the mic cables when the
phantom power is active. Be sure the MAIN level fader is turned all the
way down before activating the Phantom Power to prevent pops from
entering any external device connected to the mixer. Also, be sure the
Phantom Power is OFF when connecting or disconnecting microphones.
30. TAPE & USB (MXP124FX only) TO MIX 2 + PHONES
- This switch is used to assign the TAPE and USB
(MXP124FX only) inputs to the MIX 2 and PHONES
31. TAPE & USB (MXP124FX only) TO MAIN MIX - This
switch is used to assign the TAPE and USB
(MXP124FX only) inputs to the MAN MIX output.
32. USB RETURN (MXP124FX only) and TAPE IN
Control - This level control is used to adjust the
volume of the signal returning from a computer
via the USB input (MXP124FX only) and audio
connected to the TAPE IN RCA jacks.
33. MIX2/PHONES Control - The mixer has a second set
of output connectors carrying a duplicate of the
MAIN MIX signal for the purpose of feeding anoth-
er speaker zone or recorder. The MIX 2/PHONES
control knob is used to set the volume of the MIX
2 output and the overall level of the Headphone
34. MAIN MIX Fader - The MAIN MIX Level fader adjusts the level of main
left and right stereo mix sent to the MAIN MIX outputs.
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