Guided Tour - Rear Panel
1. Fuse sled - This contains a fuse holder and shows the currently selected
voltage rating for your PL 1602. Make sure the voltage rating is correctly set
before powering up! Fuse ratings are: 0.3 amp for 115 VAC and 0.15 amp for
230 VAC. The voltage rating will normally be preset correctly at the factory and
will require no adjustment unless you use the PL 1602 in a country other than
the one in which you purchased the unit. For information on how to change the
voltage rating, see Appendix B on page 25.
2. AC input - Connect the supplied standard 3-pin “EEC” plug here.
3: Power on-off switch - As you may have guessed, this is what you use to
turn the PL 1602 on and off. To avoid potential damage to your speakers, turn
the mixer on before you turn on any connected power amps—and turn it off after
the power amps are turned off.
4: Line inputs - Use these electronically balanced 1/4" jacks to connect line-
level sources such as synthesizers, drum machines, CD players, tape decks, or
effects processors to any of the PL 1602’s sixteen channels. Use balanced
three-conductor cabling and Tip/Ring/Sleeve (TRS) plugs wherever possible
(unbalanced two-conductor plugs can also be inserted into these inputs, but
you’ll get better signal quality and less outside noise and hum if you use
balanced lines). When connecting monophonic (as opposed to stereo) signal
sources, use the left (odd-numbered) inputs; the Balance control for that channel
pair will then act as a constant level pan control—see the “Using the Balance
Control” section on page 16 for more information. The “Connecting The PL
1602” section on page 9 provides more information on how best to use channel
WARNING: Do not connect the channel 1 or 3 line input if you already
have something connected to that channel’s microphone input (see #5 on the
next page); these channels are designed to accept only one source or the other.