VR88 Applications
The VR88 is an excellent choice for miking a variety of sound sources including
vocals, piano, reed and brass instruments, electric and acoustic guitars and choirs
and orchestras to name just a few.
When using the VR88 on vocals, use of an external pop filter is strongly recom-
mended. Position the microphone in front of the artist so that the microphone grill
is approximating 4 to 10 inches away. You can record a group of vocalist by posi-
tioning them around the front and rear of the microphone. Just remember that the
extreme sides of the microphone picks up nothing due to the VR88’s bidirectional
pick up pattern. Since the VR88’s frequency response remains flat off axis, you
don’t have to be concerned about the microphone sounding different from center
to sides.
Reed Instruments
When recording saxophone or clarinet, place the VR88 one to two feet from the
instrument. When placing the microphone closer to the source, you will cap-
ture more of the direct sound and less of the reflected sound. Be aware of the
reflected sound when positioning the artist and microphone near the studio walls.
Often you can use the wall to capture some natural echo. Ever notice that saxo-
phonists like to warm up in some
corner somewhere? They’re telling
you something. You can change the
delay time by adjusting the distance
between the microphone, performer
and the wall. Experiment around and
you can get some amazing record-
Recording brass instruments is han-
dled very nicely by the VR88. The
VR88 should be positioned approxi-
mately two feet away when recording
brass instruments. (Figure 1) If you
are recording a group of brass and
reed instruments increase the dis-
tance of the microphone. (Figure 2)
Two Feet
Four to Six Feet
Figure 1
Figure 2