CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
Samsung Business Communications
No Code Alarm Name Definition
MNF-- Minor Error Minor Fault with Alarm Buffer saving
64 MNF01 Card Out A circuit card mounted in a universal slot has been re-
moved from service or is not recognized by the system.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
65 MNF02 Card In A circuit card mounted in a universal slot has been re-
turned to service.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
66 MNF03 IPC Error Inter-processor communication error has occurred.
Alarm Data = Cabinet-Slot(Cx-Syy)
67 MNF04 Trunk Fault Out of service trunk detected via loop detect. Internal
CODEC test.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
68 MNF05 Trunk Recovery Out of service trunk detected via loop detected as out of
service is now operational.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
69 MNF06 Trunk Discon-
Out of service trunk detected via seizure of trunk. Exter-
nal seizure test.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
70 MNF07 Trunk Connect Out of service trunk recovered via seizure of trunk. Ex-
ternal seizure test.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
71 MNF08 SIO TxQ Over SIO Tx Queue full error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm Data = SIO number(SIO: x)
72 MNF09 SIO TxQ Under SIO Tx Queue under error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm Data = SIO number(SIO: x)
73 MNF10 E1 Out Of Srv E1 Digital line status has been changed to out of ser-
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
74 MNF11 E1 In Service E1 Digital line has been restored to normal service.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
75 MNF12 SIO Out IO port has lost DTR.
Alarm Data = SIO number(SIO: x)
76 MNF13 SIO In IO port has regained DTR.
Alarm Data = SIO 1 through 6
77 MNF14 TODC Error Time of Day Clock in the MCP2 has erred.
78 MNF15 TSW Over Alarm The TSW has been requested to exceed the capacity of
available time slots. Maximum 192 per cabinet.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
79 MNF16 PSU Alarm There are more ports than can be supported in a
cabinet and more power is required.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)