Settings(0 )
[] The items indicated by * are default settings.
Menus are subject to change without prior notice.
Formattin amq_A_0_
Initialization restores all camera menu and function settings to
their default values. However, values for Date & Time, Language,
and Video Out are not changed.
The [Format] function formats the camera's memory. When you run
[Format] all images, including protected images, are deleted. Be
sure to download important images to your PC before formatting
the memory.
- Sub menus
[Yes] :Awindow for confirming the
selection appears. If you Select
[Yes], a [Formatting] message
appears and the memory is
formatted. When a [Format is
completed] message appears,
formatting is finished.
[No]* : The memory will not be formatted.
- Sub menus
[Yes] : Awindow to confirm the selection
is displayed. Select [Yes] and
all settings are restored to their
[No]* :Settings are not restored to their
[] Be sure to run [Format] on the following types of memory card:
- A new memory card, or an unformatted memory card.
- A memory card that has a rite this camera can't recognize or a
card that has been taken from another camera.
- Always format the memory card using this camera. If you insert a
memory card that has been formatted by another camera,
a memory card reader, or a PC, you wilt get a [Card Error]