
Playback Menu
The size of the trimmed image varies depending on the original image size and the
trimming level (the trimming frame size). Refer to the table shown below. (The initial
trimming frame displayed on the [Trim] screen is the second trimming level. You can
display the first trimming level (maximum frame size) by turning the zoom lever
toward 9.)
The aspect ratio of an [F3:2] image is 3:2, but this changes to 4:3 when the image
is trimmed.
The aspect ratio of an [F1:1] image is 1:1, but this changes to 4:3 when the image
is trimmed.
Original image size Trimming level Trimmed image size
3456 × 2592
1 3072 × 2304
2, 3 2592 × 1944
4, 5 2048 × 1536
6 to 9 1280 × 960
10 to 13 640 × 480
3456 × 2304
1 3072 × 2304
2 2592 × 1944
3 to 5 2048 × 1536
6 to 9 1280 × 960
10 to 13 640 × 480
2592 × 2592
1 2592 × 1944
2 to 4 2048 × 1536
5 to 8 1280 × 960
9 to 12 640 × 480
3072 × 2304
1, 2 2592 × 1944
3, 4 2048 × 1536
5 to 8 1280 × 960
9 to 12 640 × 480
2592 × 1944
1 2592 × 1944
2, 3 2048 × 1536
4 to 7 1280 × 960
8 to 12 640 × 480
2048 × 1536
1, 2 2048 × 1536
3 to 6 1280 × 960
7 to 10 640× 480
1728 × 1296
1 1728 × 1296
2 to 5 1280 × 960
6 to 9 640× 480
1280 × 960
1 to 3 1280 × 960
4 to 8 640× 480
640 × 480 1 to 4 640 × 480