Samsung DCS Application Note No 14 - Issue 01 Page 10 of 10
For Further Information Call LSP Communications
DDI and Call Forwarding No Answer
The operation of Call Forward No Answer depends on the setting of Call Wait as shown in the table
below. (Call Wait is set in MMC714 for DDI operation or MMC421 for MSN operation).
Call Wait Keyset State Result CLIP
On Idle Rings at Keyset for 15s (default)
before being forwarded. (The delay
is programmable).
Shown on Keyset
On Busy Keyset receives off-hook ring signal
for 15s before the call is forwarded
Not shown on Keyset but can be
viewed if the current call is put on
Off Idle Keyset rings for 15s before the call
is forwarded
Shown on the Keyset
Off Busy The DCS rejects the call with cause
‘User Busy’. The A party receives
busy tone from Telstra.
Not shown.
In the second row, where Call Wait is On and the Keyset is busy, the Keyset user has 15s to put the
current call on hold, review the CLIP data and decide whether to return to the original call or answer
the incoming call.
DDI Number & SMDR
The DCS and Compact do not send the DDI number to the SMDR output.
Trouble Shooting
Primary Rate Access Not Functioning Correctly
• Review software versions using MMC 727 to ensure compatibility
- Version 2.1 or lower ROM - 1.4 PRI software
- Version 4.2 ROM - 2.0 or higher PRI software
• Ensure PRI ports are contained in the numbering plan - MMC 724 (TRKXXX)
• Reset PRI card using MMC 418