The following describes each option found in the
Display Setup Menu.
TV Aspect
Depending on a type of television you have,
you may want to adjust the screen setting
(aspect ratio).
- 4:3 Letter Box : Select when you want to
see the total 16:9 ratio screen DVD
supplies, even though you have a TV with a
4:3 ratio screen. Black bars will appear at
the top and bottom of the screen.
- 4:3 Pan&Scan : Select this for conventional
size TVs when you want to see the central
portion of the 16:9 screen. (Extreme left and
right side of movie picture will be cut off.)
- 16:9 Wide : You can view the full 16:9
picture on your widescreen TV.
❷ Still Mode
These options will help prevent picture shake
in still mode and display small text clearer.
- Auto : When selecting Auto, Field/Frame
mode will be automatically adjusted.
- Field : Select this feature to minimize
screen shaking.
- Frame : Select this feature when you want
to read text more clearly on the screen .
❸ Screen Messages
Use to turn on-screen messages On or Off.
❹ Video Output
Select Video Output.
- I-SCAN : Select when you want to use
Video and Component 480i(Interlace) Out.
- P-SCAN : Select when you want to use
Component 480p(Progressive) Out or
• If you press the VIDEO SEL. button with
no disc inserted, the Video output mode is
changed in the following order:
• If the Yes/No selection in the Display Setup
sub Menu is not made within 10 seconds,
the screen returns to the previous menu.
This setting is used when the unit is
connected by HDMI to Display devices (TV,
Projector, etc.).
- Resolution Setting
The resolution setting is dependent on the
capability of your TV or Monitor.
- Auto : Auto resolution setting
- Manual : Manual resolution setting
- Resolution
480p : 720 x 480
720p : 1280 x 720
1080i : 1920 x 1080
1080p : 1920 x 1080
For the best video performance, check your
TV’s user manual for proper resolution
If your TV does not support the resolution
that has been chosen, the following
warning message may appear and the
resolution will be returned to the previous
TV Aspect
Still Mode
Screen Messa
Video Output
Picture Quality
4:3 Letter Box
4:3 Pan&Scan
√16:9 Wide
Resolution Setting :Manual
Resolution :720p
This resolution is not
supported by the TV.