English _57
You can operate the DVD Player by using the Samsung TV’s remote control. These TV
remote buttons can be used to operate the DVD Player : , , , , ,
, and buttons, buttons.
- Select Device : Use this option to select the device which you want to connect to your TV.
- Menu on Device : Same as MENU button on the DVD Player remote control.
- Device Operation : Same as INFO button on the DVD Player remote control.
• While watching TV, your TV screen will change to the play screen when you press the
PLAY button of the DVD player.
• If you play a DVD when the TV power is off, the TV will power On.
• If you turn the TV off, the DVD Player will power off automatically.
• If you change from HDMI to other sources (Composite,Component,... etc) while playing a
DVD disc, the DVD Player will stop playing.