Editing a photo
Learn how to edit photos.
The camera will save edited photos as new files.
When you edit photos, the camera will automatically convert them to a lower resolution. Photos that you rotate or resize manually are not automatically converted
to a lower resolution.
Cropping portraits automatically
Extract and save close-up portraits from landscape shots.
In Playback mode, select a photo, and then press
[ ].
Select Intelligent Portrait.
The camera detects the face of a subject, crops the photo
around the face, and then saves 2 cropped photos under
consecutive file names.
The Intelligent Portrait feature will not function if:
- no face is detected
- more than 2 faces are detected
- the detected facial area is larger than a certain ratio
Resizing photos
Change the size of a photo and save it as a new file.
In Playback mode, select a photo, and then
press [ ].
Select Resize.
Select an option.
Back Select
2592 X 1944
1984 X 1488
1024 X 768
Available resize options differ depending on the original size of the photo.