Camera: Shooting options and settings
Save as User mode
Use this to save the current settings as your own shooting mode.
Save as User mode
To take a realistic photo of a subject, the amount of light should be constant. When the light
source varies, you can use a flash and supply a constant amount of light.
In auto or smart mode, the flash pops up automatically depending on the flash option when
you half-press the Shutter button or tap the screen in low-light conditions.
, and then select an option. In expert mode, press the Flash release
button to open the flash manually before setting the option.
: Use this to turn the flash off.
Smart flash
: Use this to automatically adjust the brightness of the flash according to the
amount of light in the surrounding environment.
Auto flash
: Use this to automatically use the flash. The flash fires when the subject or
background is dark.
Auto + Red-eye
: Use this to automatically use the flash and reduce red-eyes.
Fill in
: Use this to always use the flash.
Fill in + Red-eye
: Use this to always use the flash and reduce red-eyes.
1st Curtain
: Use this to fire the flash immediately after the shutter opens. The camera
takes a photo of a subject earlier in an action sequence clearly.
Ball moving direction