Message Search
You can search through your messages by using the
Message Search feature.
1. From the main Home screen, tap
2. Tap ➔
3. Use the on-screen keypad to enter a word or phrase to
search for, then tap
4. All messages that contain the search string you
entered are displayed.
Messaging Settings
To configure the settings for text messages, multimedia
messages, Voice mails, and Push messages.
1. From the main Home screen, tap
2. The following Messaging settings are available:
General settings:
• Delete old messages
: deletes old messages when the limit is
ached, rather than having them overwritten.
• Text message limit
: allows you to set a limit on how many text
messages can be in one conversation.
• Multimedia message limit
: allows you to set a limit on how
many multimedia messages can be in one conversation.
• Text templates
: allows you to edit or add new text templates to
use in your messaging.
Messaging 100