Learn to view photos and play videos you captured. Your
device supports the following le formats: .jpg, .png, .bmp,
.gif, .mp4.
Some le formats are not supported depending •
on the software of the device.
If the le size exceeds the available memory, an
error can occur when you open les.
View a photo
In Menu mode, select Pictures.
Flick right to the thumbnail list and select a photo.
You can also select a folder (all, date, or favorites) and
then a photo.
While viewing photos, use the following options:
To zoom in or out, tap the screen with two ngers and
spread them apart (move your ngers closer together to
zoom out) or double-tap the screen.
Customise camcorder settings
Before recording a video, select to access the following
Option Function
White Balance
Adjust the colour balance according
to lighting conditions.
Image Eect Apply a special eect.
Contrast Adjust contrast.
Saturation Adjust saturation.
Sharpness Adjust sharpness.
EV Adjust the exposure value.
Video Quality Set the quality level for your videos.
Video Resolution Change the resolution option.
Restore to
Reset camera settings.