DOS PARTITION : This is to dos as system disk is to floppy disk and dos is run
by this partition.
EXTENDED DOS PARTITION : The rest region of the disk was occupied by dos partition.
The size of partition from dos 4.0 isn't restricted, hard disk over 32MB(to DOS 3.3)
must be treated as a independent drive each diving two more partitions.
Transfer Rate: The mass of controller is transferred a data from hard disk. That is
transferring to computer after reading the data from hard disk. Transfer rate depends on
how faster the disk spin and how many data sector is recorded.
Cache: One of method to optimize capacity of disk drive. Drive using read cache send
a data to host compu ter ,on the contrary write cache used when host send to drive.
Read Cache: How to read the continuous data as well as data needed by host.
This is possible because the files in drive storage ord erly. If the host want information
read before, we transfer information data in buffer without reading dada again.
This can be picked up the speed.
Write Cache: All data transferred from host are received in buffer of disk drive, host is
informed that written already. While disk drive is recording,host can record another
information therefore system efficiency is improved. But this is risk loss of data when
power is cut off before recording the d a ta yet. PC use write cache within operating systems
like smart drive, so PC doesn't have such like a risk. Disk controller,which manage s the
interchange of data between drive and computer,and hard ware and soft ware in the circuit
of disk controller and disk drive. PC is used AT(IDE) and SCSI interface normally.
Disk controller,which manages the interchange of data between drive and computer,and hard
ware and soft ware in the circuit of disk controller and disk drive. PC is used AT(IDE) and
SCSI interface normally.
IDE Drive: Abbreviation of Integrated device electronics. This drive make all circuits
connected to AT bus directly by putting within drive, we call this general AT drive.
Enhanced IDE: Current IDE spec only two drive can be attached and the speed isn't fast.
The higher capacity of system,the lower that of the whole system due to that of HDD. Enhanced
IDE is an improved IDE-AT Interface spec. resolve the problem like lower transferring speed
and 528MB barrier cause by current BIOS. Fast-IDE Interface or local bus IDE-AT Interface are
the same.
SCSI: Current IDE spec only two drive can be attached and the speed isn't fast. The higher
capacity of system,the l ower that of the whole system due to that of HDD. Enhanced IDE is an
improved IDE-AT Interface spec. resolve the problem like lower transferring speed and 528MB
barrier cause by current BIOS. Fast-IDE Interface or local bus IDE-AT Interface are the same.
Defect-Free: A region isn't able to read exist in media. When we find defect like this in
manufacturing process, we replace with the n ormal region. Thus we can supply perfect drive to
user. Defect magnet is a method can arrange the defects in read/write from the replaced sector.
ECC O n-the-Fly: A region isn't able to read exist in media. When we find defect like this in
manufacturing process, we replace with the n ormal region. Thus we can supply perfect drive to
user. Defect magnet is a method can arrange the defects in read/write from the replaced sector.
Multi-Zone Recording: Zone-bit recording or constant recording are the same. In case we
record data on spinning disk in constant frequency signal, shorten the inside caliper and
lengthen the outside diameter. If we make this evenly, the capacity of drive is improved.