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onetc0 nectt eAcadapter Chemicalsto clean the camcorder.
unless the plug can be fullyinse[ted Do not dispose of battery pack in a Do not SpraY cleaners direct!y on
with no part ofthe blades exposed, fire as it may explode, the camcerder.
water when using it near the beach of children, If the lithium battery Do not fire _he flash directly
or PC01or when it rains, There is or memory card isswallowed in front someone's eyes
a risk of malfunction or electric by children, consu!t physician (especially infants): Doing so
shock: immediately, may cause impaired vision:
_ _i _/ii _i _ ii :ii i i ii ii I ii :_i
When cleaning the AC adaptor,
DOnot plug 0i Unplug the power KeePthe powerLc0rd Unplugged unplug the power-cord, There is
cord with wet hands. There is a when not in use or during lightning a risk of malfunction or electric
risk ofelectric shock, storms: There is a risk of fire: shock:
soundo_smell,orsmokes,Unplugthe immediately detach the AC
p0werrc0rdimmediatelyandrequest adaptor or batterY from the
servicefroma Samsungservicecenter, camcorder.
6 Thereisa riskoffireor personalinjury, There iS a risk 0f fire 0r injUry
DOnot attempt to disassemble;
repair, or modify the camcorder or
the AC adaptor to avoid a risk of
fire or electric shock.