
[ 143 ]
Reference information
Electronic Mail. A written form of communication
in which text (and other types of information) is
transmitted between recipients electronically via
special electronic mail systems managed by
corporations and/or Internet service providers.
END key
Used to terminate an active call or reject an incoming
call. Also used to return to the start screen from the
phone book or from within the phone’s menu.
Functions as “back” key while using the Minibrowser.
Electronic Serial Number. Used to identify your phone
on the wireless network.
fax call
A call in which your Nokia phone functions as a
data/fax modem, connected to your PC via the
DKU-5 cable.
home system
Refers to the wireless system to which you are
home type system
Refers to the same type of system to which you are
subscribed, but a system that is not your primary
home system.
An elaborate system of interconnected public and
private computer networks around the world, used
to provide access to information and enable
communication between users worldwide.
keypad tones
The sound heard when a key on your phone’s keypad
is pressed.
Term: Definition: