SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide
Cad mode interface
Possible to create the new project and start the project in cad mode palette.
• View and modify the project information
Possible to modify and view the
project name, customer information,
architect information in the ‘modify
the project information’ window
Possible to view save path.
It can select the local temperature. It
New Project/Management Menu
the region.
• New project
It create a new project menu. It can
enter the project information from
same ‘project information window’.
• Open project
Select the existing project files and
open menu, when open the *.dvmx
file, open the linked * .dwg file
Save the current project.
• Save as the current project
Save the current project with a
different name
If this saved same path, original
*.dwg file may be lost. It should be
save new folder.
• Preferences
Set the detail using menu