The NX-series hybrid key system accomodates three kinds of Key Station:
NX-308, NX-820 and NX-1232.
1.1 NX-308 SYSTEM
The NX-308, with a maximum capacity of three telephone C.O. lines and eight
stations, is an analog telephone system designed for the small-sized business.
A powerful H M 6 4 1 8 0 R 1 digital microprocessor controls all speech paths and
system functions. The operating program with default memory is stored in non-
volatile ROM 27C020. Customer data is stored in RAM 62256 and is protected for
up to seven continuous days' loss of system power by a Ni-Cd battery. When AC
power is restored, the Ni-Cd battery is recharged automatically.
1.2 NX-820 SYSTEM
Designed for small to medium-sized businesses, the N X - 8 2 0 is an analog
telephone system featuring a maximum capacity of forty (40) ports, made up of
the combined total of C.O. telephone lines and stations, permitting various
configurations. Comprised of a Key Service Unit, expansion boards, electronic
keysets and conventional single line telephones, the N X - 8 2 0 offers small or
medium-sized business users flexible control of telephone communications. A
powerful HM64180R1 digital microprocessor controls all speech paths and system
functions. The operating program with default memory is stored in non-volatile
ROM 27C020. Customer data is stored in RAM 681000, and is protected for up to
seven continuous days' loss of system power by a Ni-Cd battery. When AC power
is restored, the Ni-Cd battery is recharged automatically.
1.3 NX-1232 SYSTEM
The NX-1232 is an analog telephone system designed for small to medium-sized
business. The NX-1232 system has a maximum capacity of forty eight (48) ports,
made up of the combined total of C.O. telephone lines and stations, permitting
various configurations. Comprised of a Key Service Unit, expansion boards,
electronic keysets and conventional single line telephones, the N X - 1 2 3 2 s y s t e m
offers small or medium-sized business users flexible control of telephone
communications. A powerful HM64180R1 digital microprocessor controls all
speech paths and system functions. The operating program with default memory is
stored in non-volatile ROM 27C020. Customer data is stored in RAM 681000, and
is protected for up to seven continuous days' loss of system power by a Ni-Cd
battery. When AC power is restored, the Ni-Cd battery is recharged automatically.
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