
Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 149
Voice Services
Adapting Digit Dial
Digit Dialing is speaker independent, which means that no
training or adaptation is required. Some users with heavy
accents or unusual voice characteristics may find difficulty
in achieving high accuracy with speaker independent Digit
Dialing, so the Adapt Digits feature allows users to
dramatically improve the digit accuracy through
adaptation. Users who get acceptable digit recognition
accuracy will find no additional benefit to performing the
Adapt Digit adaptation.
After you adapt Digit Dial, your phone will be customized
to your voice. Other people will not be able to use Digit
Dial on your phone unless they reset the phone to factory
Adaptation involves recording several digit sequences to
teach the system your voice. The adaptation process takes
about 3 minutes.
Tips for adapting Digit Dial:
Adapt digits in a quiet place.
Make sure you wait for the beep before starting to
Speak clearly, but say each digit sequence naturally.
If you make a mistake while recording a sequence of
digits, or if there is an unexpected noise that spoils the
recording, you can say or select No when the prompt
ONLY adapt Digit Dial if the system is frequently mis-
recognizing your speech. You can always restore the
system to its original factory setting.