Personal Phone Book
Storing Phone Numbers in Secret Locations
Your Samsung 2500 Series phone allows you to store 30 phone
numbers that cannot be viewed unless you know the phone’s
lock code. To make a number secret, simply save it into any
memory location from 160 through 199 when prompted for a
memory location. To view a secret number after you have saved
it, see “Viewing Secret Phone Book Entries” on page 51.
Phone Book Locations and the Voice Mail Access Key
One touch dialing to your Voicemail box is done by pressing
and holding the key. If you do not subscribe to or use
the Voice Mail Access Key, you can override this function, and
use this key as a special Turbo Dialing key for a favorite phone
number. Simply store the new number in memory location 001
by following the same steps for storing any other phone
Note: If you do change memory location 001, and later decide
to restore one-touch voicemail access to the key, then
you must store “#” and then your ten digit phone number into
memory location 001.
Emergency Dialing Using Memory Location 9
By default, memory location 9 is assigned to emergency
number 911. From Standby mode, one-touch turbo dialing to
911 emergency service is accomplished by simply pressing and
holding the key.
Note: If desired, you can store a different number into memory
location 9, but this is not recommended.