Getting to Know Your Camcorder
Yourcamcorderhas many featuresfor recordingand playing back,
The SnapShot function letsyourecord an object ata standstillfor a limitedtime in Camera mode,(seepage 52)
ThePiPfunctionshowswherethe centeroftheimageiswhilerecordinginDig_alZoomoftheCameramode,(seepage51)
Wfen you recorda subjectwith the lightsourcebehindthe subject or a subjectwitha lightbackground,
usethe BLC function.(seepage 41)
The DSE enablesyou togive a creativelookto your filmsby addingvariousspecial effects.(see page44)
The ProgramAE enablesyou to adaptthe shutter speedand apertureto the type of scene to befilmed. (seepage 42)
The DiS compensatesfor unstableimagescausedby hand shake,particularlyat high magnification.(see page39)
Zooming is a recording echniqaetha le s you chanqethe size of the sabjec in the picture,
Formore professionaIrecordings, usethe zoomfunction. (see page34)
Zooms more than 22x areperformeddigitally.(see page 35)
The macrofunction allowsyouto record yoursubject at dose range,
Youhaveto adjustthe zoom fully wide for macrorecording.(see page34)
This mode enableseventhe beginnerto easilymake a recording.(seepage 37)
PAL6Oi_ a specialoutput signalformatwith which a tape recorded onthis camcorder(NTSCformat) can be viewed
ona PALTV.
Hi8 isan enhanced8ramformat.
Whena Hi8cassetteis inserted,the camcorderwill automaticallyselectthe Hi-8formatfor recordor playback,