Entering Text
3. If the word is correct, start entering the next word.
4. Otherwise, press the , or key
repeatedly to display alternate word choices for the
keys that you have pressed.
Example:both OF and ME have the sequence and
. The phone displays the most commonly used
choice first.
5. Complete each word with a space by pressing the
● To type words not found in the T9 mode, change the
text input mode to the upper/lower-case character
input mode.
● To enter full stops, hyphens or apostrophes, press the
key. The T9 mode applies grammar rules to
ensure that the correct punctuation is used.
● To change the case in the T9 mode, use the * key.
● You can move the cursor by using the and keys.
To delete letters, press the key. Press and hold
down the key to clear the display.
Using the Upper/Lower-Case Character Mode
Use the to keys to enter your text.
1. Press the key labeled with the required letter:
● Once for the first letter
● Twice for the second letter, and so on