• English is the default in cases where the selected language is unavailable in the broadcast.
Teletext Language
→ → →[Digital Menu] → ENTER→ → → →[Language]→ENTER → →
→ENTER →[Teletext Language] → ENTER
You can change the default value for subtitle, audio teletext languages. Displays the language infor-
mation for the incoming stream.
• English is the default in cases where the selected language is unavailable in the broadcast.
D.MENU → → → →[Digital Menu] → ENTER→ → → →[Language]→ENTER → →
→ →ENTER →[Preference] → ENTER
This menu consists of 6 sub-menus:Primary Subtitle Language, Secondary Subtitle Language,
Primary Audio Language, Secondary Audio Language, Primary Teletext Language.
1. Primary Audio Language
2. Secondary Audio Language
3. Primary Subtitle Language
4. Secondary Subtitle Language
5. Primary Teletext Language
• If you change the language setting, the Subtitle Language, Audio Language, and the Teletext Lan-
guage of the Language menu are automatically changed to the selected language.
• The Subtitle Language, Audio Language, and the Teletext Language of the Language menu show
a list of languages supported by the current channel and the selection is highlighted. If you change
this language setting, the new selection is only valid for the current channel. The changed setting
does not change the setting of the Primary Subtitle Language, Primary Audio Language, or the
Primary Teletext Language of the Preference menu.