MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo
Miniket Photo 0
SD 0
11.. SSDD SSDD 00
22.. MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo 00
33.. [[PPOOWWEERR]] MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo00
44.. [[MMooddee DDiiaall]] 00
55.. [[RReeccoorrdd // SSttoopp]] // //00
◆ [Record/Stop] 0
66.. [[PPOOWWEERR]] MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo00
Getting Started
Before You Start Operating the Miniket Photo
Before using the Miniket Photo, read this page thoroughly for easy
operation. A mini SD card is an optional accessory and not included in
the package.
1. Insert the Battery Pack and insert a mini SD card into the mini
SD card slot. (Refer to page 33)
2. Charge the Battery Pack by directly connecting the AC Power
Adapter to the Miniket Photo. (Refer to page 24)
3. Press the [POWER] button to turn on the Miniket Photo.
4. Select the desired mode by turning the [Mode Dial].
5. Press the [Record / Stop] button to take a picture, start
recording movie / voice or hear music.
◆ To set focus, press the [Record / Stop] button halfway down.
6. When finished, press the [POWER] button to turn the Miniket
Photo off.