
DVD Camcorder: Disc Manager
+ This function works only in Camera Mode. "*page 26
*.**If a DVD-RW disc had been finalized in theVR mode or Video mode, you can unfinaiize the disc for further recording.
*:o When unfinatizing,there should be enough power inthe batteries. If anAC Power adapter is to be used, make sure that
the jack is properly connected.
1. Set the [Mode] switch to [DISC]. (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only)
2. Set the [Power] switch to [!_ (Camera)].
3. Press the [MENU] button.
= The menu listwill appear.
4. Move the [Joystick] up or down to select <Disc Manager>, then press the[Joystick].
5. Move the [Joystick] up or down to select <Disc Unfinalize>, then press the [Joystick].
6. Move the [Joystick] left or rightto select <Unfinalize>, then press the [Joystick].
= The message <Unfinalizing, please wait...> will appear. When unfinafizing is
complete, the message <Complete!> wilt appear.
= The Finalize/Format functions are not available when the battery level is between
and _.
= During unfinalizing, do not cause impact or vibration to your DVD Camcorder. This could
cause a malfunction.