Incoming Messages 58
Incoming Message Memory Capacity 58
Reviewing Incoming Page, Text, or Browser Messages 59
Incoming Message Ringer 59
Incoming Messages and Lock Mode 60
Options when Reviewing Incoming Messages 60
Erasing Inbox Messages 61
Setting up your Voicemail 62
Reviewing Voicemail Messages 62
Viewing Stored Entries 63
Storing Phone Numbers and Names 65
Storing phone numbers shortcuts 66
Storing phone numbers at the end of a call 66
Prepend a Phone Number 67
Adding a Name Ringer 68
Editing Phone Book numbers 69
Secret Phone Book numbers 69
Erasing Phone Book Entries 70
Erasing the Phone Book 70
Set Speed Dial 70
Memory Dialing Shortcuts 71
Lock Mode 72
Dialing in Lock Mode 72
Locking the Phone 73
Unlocking the Phone 74
Call Restriction Options 74
Lock Code Setting 75
Priority Numbers 75