Short Messages
Validity Period: allows you to set the default time
period for which your messages are stored in the
SMS centre while attempts are made to deliver them.
Possible values are one hour, two hours, six hours, one
d a y, two days, one week, four weeks and six months.
B r o a d c a s t Menu 3-4
This network service allows you to receive short
messages on various topics, such as the weather or
t r a ffic. Please contact your service provider for more
i n f o rm a t i o n .
The following options are available.
Read All Messages : lets you read all cell bro a d c a s t
messages. Scroll through the message using the
soft key. At the end of the message, p ress the N e x t
soft key to move to the next message.
Receive: allows you to enable or disable the
reception of broadcast messages.
Subject List: allows you to select two sub-options.
The Active List sub-option displays the current active
list. You can add an entry or delete the selected
entry from the list. The number of entries in the list
depends on your SIM. The User Define List sub-
option allows you to define up to five entries.
Language List: allows you to select your preferred
language when displaying cell broadcast messages.
The number of languages available depends on your