
Wallpaper: allows you to select from the preloaded wallpapers. User the
Left or Right navigation keys to view all choices. Press the Save soft key
or the key to make your selection.
Info Display: allows you select the settings for the following:
Text Position: allows you to select the position of the text displayed
on the Idle screen (Top, Bottom, or Off). Press the Up or Down
navigation keys to make your selection. Press the Save soft key or
the key to save your selection.
Text Style: allows you to choose normal, outline or shadow text.
Text Color: allows you to select the color of the text to be displayed
on the Idle screen. Press the Left and Right navigation keys to make
your selection.
Theme: allows you to choose from two patterns for your phone’s theme.
Menu Style: allows you to choose Grid or List style for the main menu.
Pop up List Menu: allows you to enable or disable pop-up menus for
options with multiple sub-menus.
Dialing Display: Allows you to set the Font Size, Font Color and
Background Color.
Calendar: allows you to display the calendar on the main display.
Front Display
This item selects the image to display in the centre of the front LCD. The
choices are:
Clock: displays a digital clock with AM/PM indicator.
My Image: lets you choose one of a series of preset icons (happy face,
star, heart, etc.).
Screen Slogan: lets you enter a line of text to display.
Press the Save soft key or the key to save your selection.