
Section 5
Say "Go To" followed by the application you want to
open or…
Say "Go To" followed by a menu item.
Go To (To see a list of applications you can open)
Go To Calendar
Hints for using Go To
Wait for the beep before saying the command.
To see a list of applications/menu items you can open, say
"Go To" but do not specify a destination. VoiceSignal
displays a list of valid destinations and prompts you with
"Please Choose." You can then say the name of the
application you want to open.
If the list is too long to fit on one screen, the screen will
contain the choice "Next Menu." You can say one of the
application or menu names on the list, or say "Next Menu"
to view the next screen
VoiceSignal Settings
Choice Lists
If VoiceSignal is not absolutely confident that it has
correctly identified a name or number, it can display a
choice list of up to three possibilities, and prompt you to
confirm the correct one.
You can control when choice lists appear by changing the
Choice Lists setting to Automatic, Always On, or Always