: Depending on your location, you can view basic,
custom, and satellite maps and local business
information, including locations, contact information, and
driving directions. You can also post public messages
about a location and track your friends. For more
information, refer to “Maps” on page 149.
: Android Market provides access to downloadable
applications and games to install on your phone. For more
information, refer to “Market” on page 151.
Media Hub
: Samsung Media Hub is your one stop for the
hottest movie and TV content. You can rent or purchase
your favorite content and watch from the convenience of
anywhere. For more information, refer to “Media Hub” on
page 66.
: This feature allows you to create a memo. For more
information, refer to “Memo” on page 151.
: AT&T Messages brings your texts, calls, and
voicemail messages together into a single conversation
thread and is accessible by phone or computer. For more
information, refer to “Messages App” on page 93.
: Messenger allows you to bring groups of
friends together into a simple group conversation. When
you get a new conversation in Messenger, Google+ sends
an update to your phone. For more information, refer to
“Messenger” on page 93.
Mini Diary
: The Mini Diary allows you to keep a diary of your
daily activities and also attach pictures. You can publish
your diary entries to Facebook and MySpace. For more
information, refer to “Mini Diary” on page 152.
: The Movies application allows you to rent movies
to watch on your phone. For more information, refer to
“Movies” on page 154.
With the Music application, while online, you can play
music that you have added to your music file as well as any
music you copied from your PC. While offline, you can listen
to music you have copied from your PC.
For more information,
refer to “Music” on page 70.
Music Player
: Music Player allows you to play music files
that you have stored on your phone and memory card. You
can also create playlists. For more information, refer to
“Music Player” on page 67.