4.2. Using Administration Page
- After setting is complete, click the Set button to apply the settings.
4.2.8. Alarm/Sensor
This sets up necessary information when using alarm function by attaching sensor to network server.
For SNS-100 For SNS-400
Alarm/Sensor Setup
◊ Digital In (Sensor) Setup
Item Description
Sensor Type Types of sensors are ‘Normal open’ and ‘Normal close.’ This selects up type of connected sensor.
◊ Digital Out (Relay / Alarm) Setup
Item Description
Relay Set up Relay Out responding when event is recognized by connected sensor or Motion Detection (MD)
Set up time to operate relay. It defines the period from the time when sensor detects event to the time when relay
is released.
In case event occurs by sensor or Motion Detection (MD) on the screen, decide whether transferring related
information to FTP.
In case event occurs by connected sensor or Motion Detection (MD) on the screen, decide whether transferring
related information by e-mail.
FTP / E-mail Setup
Set up FTP server and e-mail information to which related information is transferred in case alarm occurs.
◊ FTP Setup
Item Description
FTP Server Name Enters the FTP server or Domain IP address.
Home Directory Set up home directory to save relevant data at FTP server.
User ID Enter ID to connect FTP server.
User Password Enter PW to connect FTP server.