152 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics
Listening to Multiple Voicemail Messages
When you are done listening to a voicemail message
you can easily access other voicemail messages
without returning to the main voicemail screen.
1. Listen to the current voicemail message.
2. Swipe your finger left or right to display the next or
previous message. (It will begin playing
You can navigate through voicemail messages as
frequently as you'd like. You can even move to the next
or previous message before you're finished listening to
the current one.
Configuring Voicemail Options
To access the voicemail menu options:
1. Press and tap .
2. Press and select from the following:
Ⅲ Compose to compose a new voicemail message.
Ⅲ Play all new to listen to all new messages.
Ⅲ Undelivered to list all undelivered voicemail
Ⅲ Delete to delete selected messages from your
current list of available voicemail messages.
Ⅲ Search to search through voicemail messages for
Ⅲ Settings to configure your voicemail application
To access a voicemail message’s options:
1. Press and tap .
2. Tap a voicemail message and press and
select from the following:
Ⅲ Lock/Unlock to prevent deletion of the selected
voicemail message.
Ⅲ Text message to create and deliver a new text
message to the sender’s phone number.
Ⅲ Reply to reply to the voicemail. You can then reply
to the sender or forward it to anyone with either
an email or phone number. This allows you to
send this voicemail message to several recipients
at the same time.
Ⅲ Forward to forward the voicemail to another
SPH-D700.book Page 152 Tuesday, August 17, 2010 11:14 AM