
Terminal Name Signal Level Signal Type
VIH: 4~5V
Alarm Reset VIL : 0~0.6V Output
T: 400 ms LOW output
VIH: 4~5V
Alarm Out VIL : 0~0.6V Output
T: LOW output during Alarm Hold Time
1. ALARM Feature
When an alarm occurs, all functions of the monitor are temporarily paused and the monitor
switches to the Alarm Display mode.
When an alarm trigger is received, the corresponding channel will be displayed in Single
Display mode with the letter "A" shown at the bottom left of the full screen.
When more than one alarm occurs, the monitor will automatically switch to Quad Display
mode and the letter "A" will be displayed at the bottom left quadrant of the corresponding
While in the Alarm mode, you can still change the screen by using the MODE and CH
keys. However,you will not be able to set up Zoom, Freeze, and Menu.
While in the Alarm mode, if the ALARM RESET key is pressed or the Alarm Hold Time
has elapsed, all Alarms will be cancelled and the monitor will switch back to the previous
If an alarm cable is connected between a monitor and a VCR, both Alarm and Reset
signals output from the monitor will become input signals for the VCR.
< Monitor rear panel >