
Hardware Description
Unlike traditional PC based Voice Mail / Auto Attendant Systems, the SVMi-8 installs inside the telephone equipment
and operates as an integral part of it.
The component parts of the SVMi-8 are as follows:
SBC stands for Single Board Computer and it is the main circuit card
that connects to the DCS 50si, DCS and iDCS 500 phone system. The
disk drive and voice processing modules connect to this card.
On the front of the card there are two connectors. The use of these
connectors is optional and it is not necessary to have anything con-
nected in order for the SVMi-8 to run.
The Serial Interface
This can be used to connect a modem or PC and provide local or
remote PC based administration. The connector is called SIO.
The Parallel Interface
This is used for data transfer or database back up. The connector is
called PIO. The only purpose for this connector is for system file
transfer (Back-up and Restore). SVMi-8 is designed to back up and
restore data to an Iomega Zip drive. We recommend this method
because all the necessary drivers are pre-installed on the SVMi-8.
Reset Button
The red button marked RST is the reset button. Pressing this will
immediately restart the SVMi-8 system. It will disconnect any calls in
Pressing the RESET button during operation will disconnect all callers
and immediately restart the SVMi-8. This should only be used as
directed. Pressing this button when the system is performing Disk I/O could result in data loss or file corruption.
Immediately after plugging in the SVMi-8 card and turning the phone system power switch ON, you MUST press this
button to initialize the SVMi-8.
This button should not be pressed if the SVMi-8 is actively processing calls.