Your phone receives four kinds of messages: voicemail, text,
numeric pages, and Browser messages.
Your phone receives incoming messages in both Standby and
Talk modes. When you are on a call and receive a message, your
phone automatically mutes the ringer and provides the call
waiting tone (this is to avoid ringing in your ear while you are
trying to talk).
When your phone receives a message in Standby mode, the
ringer sounds (unless turned off), and the screen displays
(“New Voicemail”, “New Text”, “New Page” or “New
BrowserMsg”). The message indicator ( ) displays and
remains on the screen until you listen to the new voicemail
message, or read the new Browser message, text message or
numeric page.
If you receive a new text message or numeric page while on a
voice call, the Call Waiting tone sounds and a message header
displays. You can easily review the new message while on the
call by just pressing . Your call will not be disconnected,
and you can ask the other party to wait while you review the
message. If you are using the optional hands-free headset, then
you can read the message while continuing your conversation.