2. Tap items to view details:
• Software update
: Connect to the network and download new
• Status
: Display the status of the battery, network, and other
information about your device.
• Legal information
: Display Open source licences,
Google legal, Samsung legal, and License settings information.
• Device name
: Modify your device’s name.
• Model number
: Display your device’s model number.
• Android version
: Display the firmware version of your device.
•Baseband version
: Display the baseband version loaded on
this handset.
•Kernel version
: Display the kernel version of your device.
• Build number
: Display your device’s software build number.
• SELinux status
: Display your device’s SELinux status.
• Secure boot status
: Display your device’s secure boot status.
Software Update
The Software Update feature enables you to use your device
to connect to the network and download any new software
directly to your device. The device automatically updates
with the latest available software when you access this
To check for a software update:
1. From the (
) screen, tap
About device
Software update
2. Your device connects to the server and searches for
available software updates.
3. If new updates are found, follow the prompts to
download and install them.