Home Screen
The Home screen is the starting point for using your device.
Unless stated otherwise, instructions in this User Manual start with the
device unlocked, at the Home screen.
Status Bar
: Presents icons to show notifications, network
status, battery power, and connection details. For a list of
icons, see “Status Bar” on page 20.
Home screen
: The starting point for using your device.
Place shortcuts, widgets and other items to customize your
device to your needs.
: Applications that run on the Home screen. These
widgets are found on the Home screen by default. For
more information, see “Widgets” on page 21.
: Shortcuts to common applications.These
shortcuts are found on the Home screen by default. For
more information, see “Shortcuts” on page 23.
Primary Shortcuts
: Shortcuts to common features. For
more information, see “Primary Shortcuts” on page 21.
If your device has a touch screen display, note that a touch screen
responds best to a light touch from the pad of your finger. Using
excessive force or a metallic object when pressing on the touch
screen may damage the tempered glass surface and void the
warranty. For more information, see “Warranty Information” on
page 135.