Understanding Your Device 29
: Share updates and see what is going on
around you with Google+ for mobile. For more
information, refer to “Google+” on page 118.
Home screen tips
: Display tips about the Home
: Locate your friends on a map, and share or
hide your location. For more information, refer to
“Latitude” on page 75.
: Download applications from the Android
Market. For more information, refer to “Market” on
page 120.
After initial access to Market, the Google
Play™ Store icon displays.
News & Weather
: Display current news and weather
for your location. For more information, refer to
“News & Weather” on page 124.
Picture frame
: Display a picture on a Home screen.
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aksdj akljlad pekajr didlfajj jd djfnfn
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aksdj akljlad pekajr didlfajj jd djfnfn
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aksdj akljlad pekajr didlfajj jd djfnfn
jeuifhe jle liekz ldak eaji alpald fhak a
aksdj akljlad pekajr didlfajj jd djfnfn
jeuifhe jle liekz ldak eaji alpald fhak a
Power control
: Control Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS
connections, and set automatic synchronization and
brightness settings. For more information, refer to
“Power Control” on page 124.
Program Monitor
: Display the number of active
applications. Touch to launch Task Manager. For
more information, refer to “Task Manager” on
page 14.
Simple clock
: Display a simple, analog clock.
Software update
: May include bug fixes,
enhancements to services (or parts thereof),
products or devices, and updates and
enhancements to any software previously installed
(including entirely new versions). These updates are
sent over the air without USB connection. Touch the
Widget and follow the on-screen instructions.