Set screws for transportation only
Right tubing
Left-rear tubling
Fig. 6
Fig. 7a
Center of
tubing hole
Center of
tubing hole
Fig. 7b
Hole should be made at a slight downward slant to the
outdoor side.
In case of left-rear or right-rear tubing
Fig. 8
3. How to Install the Indoor Unit
3-1. Remove the Rear Panel from the Unit
Remove and discard the set screws and take off the rear
panel. (Fig. 6)
Tubing can be extended in 3 directions as shown in
Fig. 7a. Select the direction you need providing the
shortest run to the outside unit.
3-2. Make a Hole
(1) Remove the rear panel from the indoor unit and
place it on the wall at the location selected. Make
sure the unit is horizontal, using a carpenter’s level
or tape measure to measure down from the ceiling.
(2) Determine which side of the unit you should make
the hole. (Fig. 7b)
(3) Before making a hole, check carefully that no studs
or pipes are directly run behind the spot to be cut.
The above precautions are also applicable if tubing
goes through the wall in any other location.
(4) Using a sabre saw, key hole saw or hole-cutting drill
attachment, cut a hole in the wall. See Table 4 and
Fig. 8.
Table 4
(5) Measure the thickness of the wall from the inside
edge to the outside edge and cut PVC pipe at a
slight angle 1/4" shorter than the thickness of the
wall. (Fig. 9)
(6) Place the plastic cover over the end of the pipe (for
indoor side only) and insert in the wall. (Fig. 10)
Also avoid areas where electri-
cal wiring or conduits are
Hole Dia. (inch)
Plastic cover
(Field Supply)
PVC pipe
Fig. 10
PVC pipe (locally purchased)
Cut at slight angle
Fig. 9
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